Fundação Oriente

Founded on 18 March 1988, Fundação Oriente is an institution body governed by private law, endowed with legal personality and of recognized public utility. The Foundation was created by Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau (STDM), at the suggestion and initiative of Stanley Ho.

Based in Lisbon, it also owns and oversees Museu do Oriente and Convento da Arrábida. The Foundation is also present in the East through its Delegations in Macao, China, Goa, India and in Dili, in East Timor.

Fundação Oriente’s statutory mission is to pursue cultural, educational, artistic, scientific, social, and philanthropic actions, to be developed namely in Portugal and Macao and aimed at treasuring and giving continuance to the historical and cultural relations between Portugal and the East. Culture, education, science, and philanthropy are thus the main areas of intervention of Fundação Oriente.