Meet Reinaldo, from Venezuela

Reinaldo, Venezuelan, 24 years old, attending a bachelor’s degree in chemical and biological engineering

It is thanks to APGES that I am studying an excellent course. (...) So far it has surpassed all my expectations, (...) the technology that we had there in Venezuela, in college, does not compare at all, I have seen things that seem to me from another planet (...) in terms of experience, people, friends who are in college, teachers, have been spectacular.
I would reapply again (...) billion times (...) It has helped me a lot. I would not exchange for anything the decision to study here.

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Meet Salma, from Syria

Meet Salma, from Syria

Meet Salma, from Syria

Salma, Syrian, 34 years old, biochemist

I got a lot of support from APGES. I got access to the university where I was fully funded by APGES. And also, during my studies, we had this amount of salary helping us living in Portugal. And then while I was searching for a job and doing internship. It was a great help for me to start my life and have a better future.

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Meet Sham e Amirah, from Syria

Meet Sham e Amirah, from Syria

Meet Sham e Amirah, from Syria

Sham e Amirah, Syrian sisters, 25 and 26 years old, dentists

It was an opportunity for us to be able to graduate and then also work. They helped in the acquisition of material and in everything that was necessary. to complete the course.

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Meet Ibraheem, from Syria

Meet Ibraheem, from Syria

Meet Ibraheem, from Syria

Ibraheem, 33 years old, Syrian, doing a PhD in law

The program changed my life in many aspects, because it enabled me to continue my studies out. (...) I have a better life now. It was a good opportunity (...) to establish a new life, to do a part of my dreams and to continue high studies. And peace also. So I would apply again.
Living with the Portuguese in the residence and also at the university was important for integration. But (...) people themselves should push to be integrated into the community (...) because if they do not, no one can do it for them.
I would like to return and participate in the reconstruction of our country if we have the condition.

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Meet *, from Syria

Meet *, from Syria

Meet *, from Syria

*, 32-year old Syrian attending a master’s degree in communication sciences

Studying communication was something I wanted because I already graduated in Syria, studied English literature, and here I wanted to continue a career related to communication. APGES gave me the opportunity.
I do not think it is possible to go back right now, but according to my plan I will return because in view of what I have studied here, I have to go back there and give my experience and my knowledge in my country. I want to go back. But not at the moment.

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Meet Shadi, from Syria

Meet Shadi, from Syria

Meet Shadi, from Syria

Shadi, 29, master of civil engineering

I am proud to be part of the APGES programme and to be one of the students accepted, because they helped me to be what I always wanted to be, a civil engineer.
Now, I’m working on the building site of Porto’s Metro – the new Pink Line, at Casa da Música and Galicia stations.
I thank you for your interest and hope you like my path that was full of experiences and learning.

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Meet Mohammad, from Syria

Meet Mohammad, from Syria

Meet Mohammad, from Syria

Mohammad, Syrian, 31 years old, medical doctor

In Syria I studied medicine and a year of heart surgery, after which I received the scholarship and came to Portugal. After finishing here the master’s degree in public health, I applied for an equivalence, the recognition of the medical diploma at the New University of Lisbon and I am currently working at the Central Lisbon Hospital Centre where I started the Common Year of General Training in Medicine.

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